
Is High-Density Foam Good For Insulation?

There are countless myths and facts regarding what makes good insulation, but one thing is for certain and it’s that density matters. Under the right circumstances, spray foam can be the most dense type of insulation you can find for your home or commercial property. Learn more about how high-density foam makes for good insulation before reaching out to your local spray foam experts at Foam Bear Orlando!

Higher Density = Better Insulation. It’s That Simple.

With so many insulation options involving lightweight materials, many homeowners would be under the impression that density has nothing to do with regulating temperatures. But if you look at the numbers, these lighter materials tend to have a much lower R-value than denser products. If r-value doesn’t mean anything to you, let us break it down into simpler terms:

When air comes into contact with light insulation, there’s more room for it to pass through with less resistance. The wind that makes it past your insulation affects your indoor temperatures, causing your AC to work more with the possibility of cold or hot patches throughout different rooms. With higher-density insulation, the air that gets into the building is kept to a minimum, allowing you to enjoy controllable temperatures.

Are There Additional Benefits to High-Density Insulation?

Other than keeping your indoor temperatures where you want them, dense insulation comes with a handful of additional perks. Dense materials are often moisture-proof, decreasing the likelihood of mold in your walls or ceiling. Thicker materials are also harder for bugs and pests to chew through, keeping them out of your property. You’ll also notice sound-dampening qualities with fewer sound waves passing through your reinforced walls.

Spray Foam Offers the Highest Density, But What Kind?

When people think of density, they think of hard or stiff materials like wood or foam boards. However, density can be found in the most unlikely places, like a sticky substance called spray foam insulation.

Spray foam can be categorized into two types: closed-cell and open-cell. Both have their advantages, but if we’re talking about density, then closed-cell foam is the one to get. Because of its highly dense structure, closed-cell spray foam has an r-value of 6-7, can repel moisture, and is practically impenetrable to bugs and rodents.

Closed-Cell Spray Foam

Open-Cell Spray Foam

● R-value of up to 7

● Expands one inch

● Incredibly dense

● R-value of up to 3.8

● Expands 3 inches

● Low density

“Can you make spray foam more dense with thicker layers?”

Closed-cell spray foam is already incredibly dense, and that won’t change if you apply thicker layers. It’s actually advised to not spray it on too thick or it won’t cure how it should, leading to a whole mess of problems. Even if you wait for the first layer to fully cure before applying a second layer, you’ll still receive the same level of insulation.

Learn more > How Thick Should Closed-Cell Spray Foam Be?

The Best Areas to Apply Closed-Cell Spray Foam

Now that you’ve identified closed-cell spray foam as the densest type of insulation, the next step is to locate the areas of your property where it’ll be the most effective. As a general rule of thumb, you can’t go wrong insulating any of these spots:

  • Along the attic ceiling
  • Underneath the roof
  • On the exterior walls
  • Inside any gaps or cracks

Another trick to getting the best spray foam experience is to check your home for air leaks beforehand so you can seal off any holes that are accelerating your energy usage.

Equip Your Home With Premium-Grade Spray Foam From Foam Bear Orlando!

Where can you find high-quality closed-cell spray foam near you? Foam Bear Orlando offers premium spray foam insulation from top brands installed by skilled and qualified professionals in your area. Call us today at (727) 580-1090 for a free estimate or learn about our financing options on our website.