
How Does Spray Foam Work In The Winter Versus Summer?

Every homeowner wants insulation that works its best every time of year, and spray foam is by far the best choice. Although different seasons call for different needs, spray foam is the answer you’re looking for, hot or cold! But how, exactly, does this expanding substance protect you in any condition? The experts at Foam Bear Tampa are here to show you how spray foam works in the winter versus the summer!

Comparing Winter vs Summer Spray Foam Installation

Let’s start with the installation process. While spray foam offers protection year-round, there’s an optimal time to have it installed on your property. Spray foam requires one crucial thing to ensure the most effective results: a dry surface. The peak of winter may prove to be challenging with moisture in the air and increased levels of condensation. There is also a greater chance of rain during this season. But does the dryness of your walls really make that much of a difference?

When the surface of the wall (or other structure) is wet, your spray foam will have a harder time holding on and staying in place. A cold atmosphere may also interfere with the curing process, taking much longer than usual to settle in and be ready for use. These obstacles can be avoided by waiting until the weather gets warmer, but you shouldn’t wait too long to contact your local spray foam installers if you want your new insulation to be ready in time to combat the extreme heat.

Spray Foam Insulation Works Year-Round – Here Are The Seasonal Benefits

Fast-forward to having your spray foam expertly installed onto your property. What can you expect to experience during the winter compared to the summer? Let’s take a look:

Spray Foam Leads To Cozy, Stress-Free Winters

Your spray foam insulation will be able to hold in all of the warm air that your heater creates during the winter, which means less gas usage and smaller bills to pay. You also don’t have to worry about any unwanted visitors taking up space in your warm shelter because expertly installed spray foam leaves no room for pests to squeeze through sizable gaps.

Spray Foam Means Cool And Abundant Summers

Summertime is what most new spray foam owners look forward to because it keeps your cold and conditioned air inside to create a safe haven from the unforgiving heat. If you happen to have active neighbors, open-cell spray foam can also dampen outside noises for a quieter home.

For greater energy savings all year round, ask us about our sister company Solar Bear for high-quality solar panels near you!

Set Yourself Up For All-Season Protection With Expert Spray Foam Installation!

For the best spray foam experience for both winter and summer, you need a reputable and reliable spray foam expert like the ones at Foam Bear! Our specialists can adapt their installation techniques to fit any situation, including environmental factors like seasonal debilitations in Florida.

Read more > 7 Common DIY Spray Foam Mistakes To Avoid By Hiring A Professional

Prepare For The Florida Summer, Reach Out To Foam Bear Today!

Want worry-free insulation that protects your property during Florida winters and summers? Call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 to ask about our premium spray foam insulation products and expert installation! Get started on a free estimate for your next service.