
Can Improper Insulation Waste Hot Water?

You might think that your insulation and piping system have nothing to do with each other. That’s not entirely true since your insulation is capable of improving your home’s overall efficiency, including your hot water. Learn more about how having improper insulation can cause you to waste your precious hot water before reaching out to your reputable spray foam experts at Foam Bear Tampa for high-quality insulation near you!

The Connection Between Your Pipes and Your Insulation

When you turn the hot water knob, hot water comes out of the spout. The concept sounds simple at first, but there’s much more that goes on behind the scenes that you don’t outright see every day. If you have a hot water tank, your piping system will transport hot water from the tank to the faucet. However, that water can lose much of its temperature during transport if your home isn’t properly insulated.

So What’s the Problem? Here’s How Poor Insulation Wastes Water:

When water loses its heat when being delivered through the pipes, it can cause you to waste water by expending more of it in anticipation of warmer water. Let’s take a minute to think about what this might look like on your end:

Imagine you’re in the master bathroom trying to draw a hot bath. You turn the hot water knob and water starts pouring out. After giving it a minute to adjust, you touch the water to find that it’s barely becoming lukewarm. You wait a couple more minutes, and the water is just now getting hot. This might be the time when you decide to stop the drain to let the tub fill up. In the time you were waiting for the water to get hot before stopping the drain, how much water do you think you let go to waste? If you had placed a bucket under the faucet beforehand, it might have overflowed.

Fast-forward to the following month when you receive your water bill. If it seems higher than usual, it’s because water is being wasted when you wait for it to warm up. This isn’t just the case for the bathtub. Other appliances that use hot water like the washing machine and dishwasher go through a similar process, collectively increasing your total bill amount.

Now that you see the problem, what can you do to fix it? The answer is in the quality of your home’s insulation.

New Spray Foam Insulation Is the Solution You Need

Simply insulating your home isn’t enough to help your pipes. To ensure that your hot water isn’t being cooled down in your piping system, you will need to target the areas surrounding your pipes and use the right type of insulation that can keep these areas at ideal temperatures. This requires insulation that’s easily manipulated and has high thermal properties. There’s only one type of insulation that can manage this flawlessly, and it’s spray foam.

Spray foam can be easily applied around your piping system because of its flexible consistency. This liquidy substance can get into places where batt and roll can’t, including around your water heater. Closed-cell spray foam with its high density has a higher-than-average R-value which makes it an ideal choice for ensuring that the temperatures around your pipes stay ideal and your water hot. Applying spray foam in tight areas or around appliances can be tricky which is why it’s always best to leave it to a professional!

For Proper Home Insulation, Trust Foam Bear Tampa For Premium Spray Foam Near You!

Do you feel like you’re constantly wasting water? Call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 to ask us how our premium spray foam products and expert installation can make your home more water-efficient! Reach out to us for a free estimate on your next service.