
Blown-In vs. Spray Foam Insulation For Florida Homes

You’ve been told all kinds of things about what to look for in insulation quality and what actually works, but the truth may be different from what you’ve been hearing. Florida homes are faced with additional challenges, so that changes the game entirely. To help you sort out the possibilities, the professionals at Foam Bear Tampa are here to explain how blown-in and spray foam insulation fares in Florida’s unique climate so you can find the best choice for your home!

The Challenges We Face As Floridians

What makes a Florida home different from any other home? Take a look:

Moisture From Rainfall

It’s impossible to escape rainfall in Florida, and that means your home is prone to moisture damage like mold and leakage.

Structural Damage From Wind Currents

Hurricane winds are capable of ripping off pieces of your home if you don’t seal up sizable gaps along your house’s structure.

Rapidly Spreading Fires

Should a fire happen on your property, having a flammable material for your insulation can make matters worse.

Dreaded Florida Heat

The main reason for insulation is to keep temperatures comfortable, and the intensity of Florida’s sun requires additional reinforcement.

Defining Blown-In And Spray Foam Insulation – The Real Difference

Now that we know what we’re up against, we can decide which type of insulation is best for protecting Florida homes:

Introducing Spray Foam Insulation

Despite entering the spotlight somewhat recently, spray foam insulation has been around for quite some time. Spray foam consists of fusing isocyanate and polyol at the time of application to create a substance that sticks to a surface and expands after contact. Modern advancements have helped this material rise to the top of effective insulation solutions.

Blown-In Insulation…What Is It?

Blown-in insulation consists of soft material that’s loosely laid into the targeted area. This method of application is why it’s also referred to as loose-fill insulation. The material is usually made of either cellulose, fiberglass, or various types of wool. While many homeowners see blown-in insulation as an easy way to protect the property, they soon find out that it comes with its fair share of downfalls.

Learn more > The Different Types of Home Insulation, Compared

Why Blown-In Insulation Doesn’t Work Like You’d Think

Blown-in insulation is often followed by many problematic issues, especially in Florida homes where seamless insulation is imperative:

  • Blown-in insulation tends to hold moisture until it evolves into mold.
  • The borate in many blown-in components is toxic to animals.
  • When applied inside the walls, the blown-in materials settle over time.
  • It’s nearly impossible to tell if the insulation has settled and how far.
  • Once the insulation has been compromised, it loses its R-value.

How Spray Foam Insulation Combats Florida Weather

There are a handful of good reasons as to why spray foam insulation is taking over as the top form of insulation for Florida homes:

  • The application process is simple and efficient.
  • Spray foam is able to stick to nearly any surface, opening more possibilities.
  • The dense substance can repel water and prevent mold.
  • Closed-cell spray foam has a higher-than-average R-value.
  • Spray foam has passive fireproofing qualities that can delay spreading.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Spray Foam

Even though spray foam insulation involves a rather straightforward concept, it still takes a skilled and trained professional to install it for optimal efficiency. For the best spray foam experience for your Florida home, Foam Bear Tampa offers premium products from top brands, incredible warranties, and decades of valuable expertise!

Call Foam Bear Tampa For High-Quality Spray Foam Insulation Near You!

Experience the best for your Florida home, call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 to learn more about what we can do for you! Get ready to transform your living space into a comfortable paradise, starting with a free estimate on your spray foam installation.