
Does Spray Foam Insulation Help Support The Integrity Of A Building?

Did you know that spray foam insulation isn’t just for regulating temperatures and saving energy? Sure, that’s why most people upgrade to this superior material, but there’s more to it than that. Discover how spray foam insulation can help support the integrity of a building before contacting your local spray foam specialists at Foam Bear Orlando!

Spray foam has unique qualities that can boost the strength of a building, like its ability to stick to surfaces and harden after it has been applied. Let’s delve deeper into how that works:

What Spray Foam Does For Existing Walls And Structures

Unlike other types of insulation that’s simply layered over walls and other surfaces, spray foam strongly adheres to anything that it comes into contact with whether it be walls, beams, frames, stud cavities, and nearly anything else you want to try it on. As it expands, it reinforces the connection between it and anything it touches. Finally, it hardens completely to form a solid structure. These qualities make spray foam capable of supporting the integrity of a building especially when compared to materials like cellulose and fiberglass.

When Is The Best Time To Apply Spray Foam For Increased Structural Integrity?

If you’re looking for the most optimal way to utilize spray foam for the strength of your building, many contractors will recommend installing it during new construction projects when it’s easy to start from scratch for seamless application. This may be true, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late if your building is already up there in age. Practically any property can benefit from spray foam regardless of how long it has been standing.

The Best Spray Foam For Boosting A Building’s Strength? Closed-Cell Spray Foam Explained

Now that you’ve got a handle on what spray foam can do to reinforce your building’s structural integrity, you’re ready to move on to learning about closed-cell spray foam and why it’s best for the job!

Preventing Damages, Wear, and Tear

One way to support your building’s structural integrity is by preventing damages from natural occurrences and the deterioration that comes with age plus improper protection. Closed-cell spray foam is so tight-knit that it’s practically impossible for wind to pass through, and it’s capable of repelling water.

Adding Strength And Stability

Closed-cell spray foam is dense and rigid which is how it’s able to increase the durability and stability of existing structures. Its packed composition can also grant up to 300% racking strength to your property!

What About Open-Cell Spray Foam?

Closed-cell spray foam may be highly recommended, but that doesn’t mean its open-cell cousin isn’t without its merits. One of the greatest appeals of open-cell spray foam is the fact that it can expand even wider than closed-cell foam and it typically comes at a lower cost. It might not be as dense or as strong, but it can still give you greater results than traditional forms of insulation.

Enhance Your Building With Top-Quality Spray Foam From Foam Bear Orlando!

Looking to strengthen your building’s structural integrity with spray foam? Call Foam Bear Orlando today at (727) 580-1090 for a free estimate on our premium-quality spray foam products and expert installation! We have many years of experience to back up our extensive knowledge and profound skills in spray foam insulation to bring you guaranteed satisfaction and results that last a lifetime. Ask us about our insulation removal and vacuum services for a fresh start!