
Does Spray Foam Insulation Attract Mold? No, Here’s Why

With so many people trying to sell their own products, it can be difficult getting a straight answer as to which types of insulation are prone to attracting mold and which ones can defend your property against it. No need to worry because we have your honest answer! Learn more about how spray foam insulation doesn’t attract mold and how Foam Bear Tampa can provide you with expert installation for the results that you’re looking for.

How Mold Grows Where You Can’t See It

Mold growth in tight areas like crawlspaces and small, unoccupied attics is a valid concern because it can be difficult detecting the signs before they escalate. Unless you’re a hired contractor, you wouldn’t normally take the time and effort to peek into your walls to check for any indicators of mold. But how does mold get into these spaces, to begin with? The stark contrast between hot and cold air is often followed by traces of moisture in the air. When moist air slips through the cracks and into your crawlspaces, it creates the optimal environment for mold to grow and spread. To the average person, it can seem nearly impossible to notice the signs until they start reacting with health-related symptoms.

Why You Want To Avoid Mold At All Costs

When mold grows in your crawlspaces and attic, it’s not contained to just those spaces. Even if you can’t directly see it with your own eyes, your body may react to the presence of mold in other ways. Common symptoms include sneezing, coughing, and sometimes skin irritations. Mold growth can also cause the building’s structure to become weaker and prone to caving under pressure. This is why it’s crucial to make sure your property is prepared to defend against mold, and installing spray foam insulation is a great way to do it.

Spray Foam: The Best Guard Against Mold

There are many misconceptions about spray foam being able to house mold and support its growth, but the exact opposite is true. Even under extreme circumstances, there’s nothing about the composition of spray foam that makes it ideal for mold. Depending on the type of spray foam, the chemical layout can fend off mold in a couple of ways. For instance, the density of closed-cell spray foam is able to repel moisture because water droplets aren’t able to penetrate the surface. Open-cell spray foam has the capacity to take in moisture, but the water often dries up long before it can cause any damage.

Another way that spray foam combats mold growth is by sealing up air leaks so that hot and cold air isn’t able to meet. Effectively sealing up these gaps can also help your AC run at peak efficiency to better regulate the air thus preventing the creation of moisture from extreme temperatures. And of course, spray foam can be applied in unseen areas like crawlspaces and attics where mold would normally grow undetected.

Get Expert Spray Foam Insulation In Tampa!

For professional spray foam installation that can fight against the growth and spread of hazardous mold, call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 to learn more about how our high-quality products can benefit you! Our friendly and knowledgeable team will tell you everything you want to know before giving you a free estimate on your next spray foam installation.