
Does Spray Foam Insulation Need To Be Covered?

Upgrading to spray foam insulation is one of the best decisions you can make for your property, but you should also know how to use it safely. Many people apply spray foam without covering it afterward, but is that really safe? Today, the professionals at Foam Bear Tampa will be teaching you when you should be covering your spray foam to preserve your health.

How To Use Your Better Judgment

Spray foam is rather safe compared to other types of insulation, but just like those other methods, you should still avoid making direct contact with it or being in too close of a range. Does that mean spray foam should always be covered? That would be best practice, but it’s not always necessary. It all depends on the area of your home or property, and how often people occupy that space.

When To Cover Your Spray Foam

Since it’s best not to be near exposed spray foam, it should always be covered in areas that receive high foot traffic or are very livable. For homes, these areas would be your living room, kitchen, and any bedrooms or bathrooms. Commercial properties may be more strict with building codes by requiring a covering in all areas, but especially main entrances, lobbies, waiting rooms, and so on.

What About Attics And Crawlspaces?

When it comes to residential homes, you may choose to leave your spray foam exposed in areas where you don’t normally see. Crawlspaces are a great example since this is a spot where you would never go unless you are a contractor, but you could also get away with exposed insulation in your attic if you don’t use it. But to play it safe, you can never go wrong with installing a covering no matter what.

The Usefulness Of Thermal Barriers

If you’ve decided to cover your spray foam, thermal barriers are the most common and effective way to do it. Other than the health risks that may come with direct exposure, one of the other main reasons for covering spray foam is to decrease the chances of a fire. This reason alone is enough for someone to cover all instances of insulation even in areas that aren’t lived in. Spray foam on its own already has a higher fire resistance than most other forms of insulation, but that doesn’t mean this substance is completely invulnerable. In fact, the higher fire rating refers to how long it can prolong catching fire, not how well it can prevent it. But for greater safety in terms of fire hazards, thermal barriers add even more fire resistance to spray foam.

Tips For Being Safe Around Spray Foam

DIY spray foam installation is typically advised against because of the risk of exposure. If you don’t know the proper techniques for handling spray foam as you’re applying it, the health risks could be dire. Always leave it up to a professional who has the right knowledge and tools to get the job done safely. It is also a wise idea to allow the spray foam to fully cure before re-entering the property to give time for any particles to disperse.

Get Expert Spray Foam Installation At Foam Bear Tampa!

For the safest way to install spray foam insulation onto your property, call Foam Bear Tampa at (727) 580-1090 for a free estimate on your next installation. We know how to properly apply spray foam for optimal safety and efficiency so you don’t have to worry!