
Is Spray Foam Insulation Helpful In The Summer?

If you’ve ever lived a summer in Florida, you know just how unbearable things can get. You’ve struggled day in and day out to keep your property just a little bit tolerable, but even that can feel like an impossible ordeal. It may seem like you’ve tried everything you could, but there could be a simple solution that you might have overlooked. Learn more about how spray foam insulation is helpful in the summer before calling your trusted professionals at Foam Bear Orlando!

How It Gets Hot Inside Your Property

You have insulation, you have a working AC, and your fans are blowing, so why is it still extremely hot inside your property during the summer? The problem probably isn’t your air conditioner, but rather your air conditioner’s inability to keep your house cool due to poor insulation. If the intense summer heat is seeping through your walls or slipping through cracks, it doesn’t matter if your AC is in the best possible condition. Effective insulation is essential in Florida, but what type can help you regulate your indoor temperatures while offering a handful of other benefits that can help you out during the summer? Spray foam insulation can solve all of your problems.

Summer Complications Are No Match For Spray Foam!

Regulating your indoor atmosphere is key to having a comfortable time during the summer, but there are also a few other issues that can occur in this hot season. Thankfully, spray foam takes care of all of these concerns with ease!

No Air Gets In Or Out

Just because you have insulation doesn’t mean it’s doing its job well. Outdated forms of insulation aren’t dense enough to stop air from flowing through, and they don’t always seal up gaps that lead to drafts. Spray foam has a higher R-value with the density to keep hot air from passing through your walls, and it can expand to completely close off cracks.

Keep Away Seasonal Allergens

When air is able to travel inside, it can bring dust, pollen, and other allergens in with it. Summertime can be prime allergy season for many, and you should be able to escape exposure by staying indoors.

Enjoy The Peace And Quiet

Open-cell spray foam can expand up to three times its size which makes it an effective sound dampener. If your neighborhood is full of children that love to play outside during summer vacation, then spray foam will help deafen the noise so you can relax.

Leave Pests In The Heat

Humans aren’t the only ones to seek refuge from the unforgivable sun. There are many bugs and critters that can’t survive in direct sunlight, so they’ll desperately seek shelter where they can. That includes your property. But spray foam can keep pests outside where they’ll be left fending for themselves.

Be Summer-Ready By Calling Foam Bear Orlando!

Spray foam truly is the saving grace that everyone needs to protect themselves from all of summer’s burdens. But where can you get the best quality spray foam and insulation in Florida? Call Foam Bear Orlando today at (727) 580-1090 to speak with a professional about receiving a free quote!