
What Is The Best Type Of Insulation For Hot Climates?

There are different types of hot climates depending on your region. Some states experience dry heat while other places like Florida suffer from wet, humid weather. Some forms of insulation might be suitable for those who live in dry areas, but those same materials might not hold up in moisture-prone environments. The professionals at Foam Bear Tampa are here to show you the best type of insulation for hot climates.

Why Quality Insulation Is Crucial For Hot Climates

It goes without saying that having poor insulation can make you feel hot and uncomfortable. But there are more dangers and inconveniences that come with intense heat if it’s not kept out of your property. By letting enough hot air inside, you could also experience:

  • Deadly heat stroke
  • Trouble breathing for those with asthma
  • Potential fire hazards
  • A broken AC followed by the cost of repairs or a replacement

Types Of Insulation To Avoid

Before we get into which type of insulation you should be using for hot climates, you first need to know why your current insulation isn’t up to the task. Many buildings, especially residential homes, come with low r-value fiberglass or cellulose as traditional forms of insulation which could lead to hot interiors:


Also referred to as rolled batt insulation, this is the type that’s most commonly found in homes and commercial buildings alike. But just because it’s the most common option doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. One of the main problems with fiberglass insulation is that it doesn’t always provide a tight seal since it’s made up of sheets that can leave gaps between the seams where hot air can seep through.


Insulation made with cellulose quickly degrades in humid climates. That’s because this material is super absorbent but it holds onto all that moisture until it starts to form mold and mildew. And since Florida air tends to be wet, you can expect cellulose insulation to last as little as a handful of years. Plus, loose-fill methods are unable to provide a sealed barrier which makes them rather useless for hot climates.

How Closed-Cell Spray Foam Holds Up To Intense Heat

If all of the usual types of insulation are insufficient for dealing with intense heat, then what should you be using when faced with hot climates? Closed-cell spray foam is the best type of insulation for hot and humid environments like Florida because it has the highest r-value while also ensuring an air-tight seal. Its expansive nature is what makes it reliable in closing up gaps and cracks, and its thick and dense composition makes it able to repel water and moisture from humid air. This means that on top of having a cool and comfortable environment to relax in, you can also worry less about mold spreading on the walls and ceiling.

Get Spray Foam Insulation In Tampa!

Want high-quality spray foam insulation suited for hot climates? Call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 to ask about our products and to receive a free quote! We offer closed-cell and open-cell spray foam insulation for all of your needs in a top brand that you can trust.