
How Do You Know If A Wall Cavity Is Full When Injecting Spray Foam?

If you’ve ever had to plug a charger into an outlet behind your dresser or apply sunscreen behind your own back, you know the struggle of not being able to see what you’re doing. So how do insulation installers do it? The beauty of spray foam is that you don’t need to tear down your drywall to install it, but you might want to know how these experts know when the wall cavity is filled. Foam Bear Tampa is about to let you in on our little secret so you know what’s going on when you hire us for premium spray foam installation near you!

Starting Things Strong With the Prep Work

To be able to fill a wall cavity with spray foam, some preparations need to be made for things to go smoothly. First, the wall needs to be clear of any obstructions, including old insulation. When there’s old insulation in the way, the cavity won’t fill up properly no matter how talented the installer is. If the obstruction can’t be removed, it’s possible for the installer to drill above and below it to surround it with foam instead.

You’ll also need the right type of foam for the cavity to be filled up all the way. Both spray foam and injection foam are capable of fulfilling this task, but you may want to know the differences between the two foams first since they have different consistencies (thus, different results). We highly recommend spray foam for its innovative use in forming around practically any obstacle.

As for the type of spray foam that’s best for filling wall cavities, both open-cell and closed-cell get the job done. However, closed-cell foam will provide better insulation with a higher R-value of 7.

The Hose Tells All! Listen Closely…

Insulation experts use industry techniques to install spray foam without removing drywall. They open up access to the wall’s cavity by strategically drilling holes into certain spots that will be used to guide a hose or nozzle through. As they let the cavity fill up, they listen closely to the wall and the hose. There will be audible signs giving away the progression of the foam, albeit subtle. Being able to pick up on these little indicators and acting accordingly is a talent that requires special training to pull off with accuracy.

The Cavity Is Filled. What Now?

After the wall cavity is filled, your installer will wrap things up by closing off any holes that were made in the process. The holes are plugged, the siding is put back in place, and the foam will harden and cure in a set amount of time. Once the curing cycle is complete, your new spray foam insulation will be officially ready to start doing its job in insulating and protecting your property!

Let Foam Bear Insulate Your Walls With Expert Handling!

The installation process of spray foam insulation is an interesting one, and one that we’re willing to share with you! You’re always welcome to call your trusted experts at Foam Bear Tampa at (727) 580-1090 to learn more about spray foam insulation and what to expect before receiving a free estimate on your next service. Discover why you should choose Foam Bear for spray foam insulation near you!


How Long Does Attic Insulation Removal Take?

Need your attic insulation removed? You might be spending a good while trying to plan out your schedule, making sure you choose the right day and time to get the job done in the easiest and most convenient way possible. It could help to know exactly what to expect during the process and how long it will take, in which case, Foam Bear Orlando has the answers you’re looking for!

Keep reading to find out how long your attic insulation removal may take and how to get a free estimate on your next service:

Yes, You HAVE to Remove Old Insulation Before Installing New

Some homeowners may feel overwhelmed the more they look into insulation installation and removal before thinking of ways to cut corners (and costs). As your trusted insulation experts, we know what happens when you neglect insulation removal and go straight for a new installation.

For one, your brand-new insulation won’t be able to guarantee the benefits for your attic space as promised when old material is in the way of proper adhesion. Also, trapping old insulation underneath a new layer can weaken your home’s structural integrity.

Be smart and plan for expert insulation vacuum and removal services to safeguard your and your home’s protection!

Read more > Vacuum Removal of Old Insulation Is Vital In Florida. Here’s Why

Factors That Can Affect Insulation Removal Estimates:

Finally, the question of how long it takes for removal. As you’ve probably seen throughout your research, there is no exact answer. This is because plenty of factors play into the estimated timeframe for attic insulation removal, such as:

  • The size of your attic space
  • The type of insulation that needs to be removed
  • How much insulation is in your attic
  • Any obstructions that may be in the way
  • How accessible your old insulation is

If you’re looking for a general timeframe, the best we can give you is a range between 4 and 24 hours. For a more precise estimate for attic insulation removal, you will need to call your trusted insulation experts for a thorough inspection of your property.

What Happens During Insulation Removal?

Attic insulation removal can take a few hours because there’s much that goes into the process such as inspecting the area and materials, taking care of any obstructions or rodents, and removing your old insulation. Some of these steps can take additional time, accounting for tasks like puncturing points in the walls or airing out the space after pest control services.

How well a company does their job is reflected in how meticulous they are during their inspection. This inspection should be used to devise the most efficient plan for your attic insulation removal, resulting in less time for completion.

How Is My Insulation Removed?

The type of material that’s used for your old attic insulation can determine the method that will be used during removal. A high-powered vacuum may be used for blown-in and cellulose insulation while fiberglass (or batt and roll) is often removed by hand and shoved into bags. Either way, your insulation experts will choose the most reasonable route and dispose of your old insulation properly.

You Can Rely on Foam Bear For Insulation Removal Near You!

For top-notch attic insulation removal near you, trust in your local experts at Foam Bear Orlando! Call (727) 580-1090 today to ask our friendly team about our vacuum and removal services before receiving a free estimate.