
How Thick Should Spray Foam Attic Insulation Be In Florida?

Your attic needs more protection than the rest of your house. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best idea to make the insulation in your attic as thick as possible. Finding the right balance is key to a healthy environment, and we know just how to achieve that. Consult your reputable experts at Foam Bear Tampa and find out how thick your spray foam attic insulation should be in Florida!

Everything That Contributes to Your Ideal Spray Foam Thickness

Just like finding the right temperature to eat your porridge, there’s a sweet spot for insulation thickness when it comes to your attic space. You want your spray foam to be thick enough to effectively protect your home, but you don’t want it too thick or else you might start losing out on the benefits and start facing detriments.

Here are the factors you should be considering when installing spray foam:

  • Your zone’s insulation requirements
  • Climate conditions in your area
  • The type of building structure for your home
  • Your personal energy-saving goals

Let’s consider some scenarios. Your home resides in Florida, so you see your fair share of intense weather conditions like heavy rain or hurricanes. In this case, your attic can benefit from closed-cell spray foam which comes in a greater density to help repel water and high winds. However, spraying on closed-cell foam too thick can reduce the airflow in your attic and cultivate some health hazards. This is why it’s crucial to find a middle ground when it comes to attic spray foam insulation.

Comparing Thicknesses Between Open-Cell and Closed-Cell Spray Foam

If your spray foam can’t be too thick, but it also shouldn’t be too thin, then what type of spray foam insulation is best for achieving a balance? Between open-cell foam and closed-cell foam, there is no right or wrong answer. Both are great at what they do. The critical factor here is that you opt for expert services for your spray foam application.

For an average recommendation, spray foam insulation is typically 2 inches thick for the desired outcome. Of course, your unique property may call for specific requirements. Florida attics usually require way more. For starters, let’s learn more about the differences in thickness between your spray foam options:

  • Closed-cell spray foam only expands to about an inch thick which contributes to its density. For attic insulation underneath the roof, you may need about 5 inches of foam to achieve a decent R-value and ward off the elements.
  • Open-cell spray foam can expand much larger by up to 3 inches but at the cost of a lower R-value and a more airy texture. This is why open-cell foam under the room needs to be a bit thicker, about anywhere from 6-10 inches thick.

Read more > How Do I Know If Open-Cell Or Closed-Cell Spray Foam Is Best For My Attic?

Finding the Right Spray Foam Thickness For Your Attic

The best way to figure out the best type and thickness for your attic spray foam insulation is by hiring a professional. By hiring a professional team like the one at Foam Bear, you will receive a thorough inspection of your home for a tailored insulation plan that offers you the best protection.

Achieve Perfect Spray Foam Application When You Hire Foam Bear Tampa!

At Foam Bear Tampa, we offer both closed-cell and open-cell spray foam to ensure that you get the best insulation setup for your attic in Florida. Give us a call today at (727) 580-1090 for a free estimate on our spray foam products and service!


How Long Does Spray Foam Insulation Take To Cure?

Curing is a vital step in the spray foam installation process that can’t be skipped. Since it’s a phase that you can’t avoid, you can expect to add a bit of time to your overall spray foam experience. But how much time are we talking? We’ve been doing this for quite some time, so you can trust your local experts at Foam Bear Orlando for accurate advice on what to expect after you give us a call about new spray foam insulation!

Spray Foam Can Take a Full Day to Cure

While the spray foam application process only takes a matter of minutes to spread over your property, it’s the other steps that can take a little more time out of the day. First, the foam needs to become tack-free which can take up to an hour. It’s wise not to rush this step because wet insulation is never a good thing. After that, the spray foam begins the curing process. Spray foam can take anywhere from 8 hours to an entire day to fully cure, so this step requires a lot of patience. But of course, the exact timeframes may differ between properties of various sizes.

What else can affect the curing process of spray foam application? Here are a few main factors to consider:

  • Whether the room is dry or humid. If your space is too humid, the moisture in the air can affect how well spray foam sticks to the surface of the structure it’s being applied to. Spray foam cures better in a dry room free of moisture.
  • The thickness of the foam. Open-cell foam expands larger, but closed-cell foam is denser. Depending on the type of foam being used, you may have different experiences in the curing process.
  • Whether or not the room is properly ventilated. Spray foam may take a while to cure in stuffy rooms with no ventilation. Just like drying paint, having decent airflow can help spray foam cure faster.

Keep in mind that these estimates don’t even account for old insulation removal if that’s also a part of your service plan. The good news is removing insulation doesn’t take that long when you hire a professional who knows what they’re doing and has access to the right tools like high-powered vacuums.

You’re Not Done After the Curing Process

It’s best not to jump the gun and go back to living in your home before the curing process has finished. While spray foam cures, it goes through a phase that we call off-gassing. Spray foam releases organic compounds soon after it has been sprayed, so you may need an entire day before re-entering your home (at the very least). There may be some situations where you will be asked to wait up to 72 hours for re-entry, so it’s a good idea to get an accurate time frame from your professional and plan accordingly.

Learn more about reoccupancy in our article > Can I Be Home While Having Spray Foam Installed?

Be Well Prepared For Spray Foam Installation

What have we learned about spray foam application in this article? Take a look at this rundown of our key points:

  • You could be waiting up to 3 days for a complete spray foam installation.
  • Spray foam cures faster in the right environment.
  • Reoccupancy time factors in removal, application, curing, and off-gassing.
  • Make sure you plan for a place to stay while professionals are working on your home.

You’re In Good Hands at Foam Bear Orlando!

Call Foam Bear Orlando today at (727) 580-1090 for everything you need to know about spray foam installation. We’ll educate you on the curing process and what to expect for the best experience in upgrading your home insulation. Ask us for a free estimate on your next service!