
Can I Trust A Pest Management Company With My Insulation?

If you’ve ever been offered insulation services by your local pest control company while they’re already dealing with the critters in your attic, you might be tempted to take the offer just for convenience’s sake. But is doing so really a good idea? Your insulation experts at Foam Bear Tampa are here to uncover the downsides to pest control insulation so you can insulate your space the right way!

Pest Control vs. Insulation Company

Since when did pest management companies start offering insulation? A new product that’s trending right now is insulation material that doubles as a pest deterrent. But as your gut may tell you, it’s too good to be true.

Pest control expertise peaks in dealing with pest infestations. Relying on such a company for a two-for-one solution is just as effective as watering your lawn and expecting trees to grow. On the other hand, an insulation expert can equip your property with premium-grade materials like spray foam that can lead to additional benefits just based on the quality of the product alone.

Common Lies That Your Pest Control Rep May Tell You:

The way that pest management companies convince their clients to sign up for their insulation services is by sometimes relaying false information to pressure them on the spot. Some common lies that people have been told include:

  • ”Bugs and rodents are eating away at your insulation.”
  • ”Our price for insulation is high because it also deters pests.”
  • ”We’re seeing [insert rodent] in your space.”

In reality, insulation materials don’t offer any sort of nutrients that pests would be interested in. Why eat foam and asbestos when there’s an abundance of nature right outside? These companies have also been known to show false photos of pest activity in the hopes that you won’t go into your attic or crawl space to confirm it yourself. Even worse, homeowners have claimed to be quoted nearly $20k or more for their pest control company’s “specialized” insulation.

You have the right to think about your decision and consider all of the factors. Never let a company, be it for pest control or insulation, pressure you into making a deal on the spot that you’ll regret later.

Get a Better Insulation Experience With Spray Foam Installation

If you really are having an issue with pests in the home, there are more practical solutions than what your pest control experts are offering. For example, spray foam insulation offers one of the highest R-values you can achieve for home use while simultaneously filling in gaps for better air quality and sound dampening. Tightly sealed gaps also mean that no bugs, rodents, or other pests are getting in. Why pay for “pest-free” insulation when spray foam can accomplish the same thing and more?

Learn more > Can Spray Foam Help Keep Out Pests?

What to Expect When You Hire Spray Foam Installers

When spray foam experts come to your property, they’ll carefully inspect your space for any breaches in your walls, ceiling, and other areas that may need special treatment. This ensures that your spray foam insulation will cover any exposed areas for maximum effect.

Get a Free Estimate From Foam Bear Today!

For quality insulation that you can count on for pest control and more, call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 to ask for a free estimate on your spray foam installation! Our team will make sure you see the difference and that you truly get your money’s worth, hassle-free.


Can I Remove Fiberglass Insulation Myself? 4 Reasons To Call The Pros

As a seasoned homeowner, you probably already know that old insulation can damage your home’s structure. Have you ever thought of tearing it out yourself? It may sound like a good idea at first being a seemingly simple task, but the risks can come at a great cost. Find out why you should leave insulation removal to a professional team like the one at Foam Bear Tampa!

1. You Could Be Putting Your Lungs at Risk, Even With Masks

Your average mask won’t protect you from all airborne particles. Honestly, even a heavy-duty mask won’t be of much help without industry-level knowledge on handling old insulation. This makes the task especially dangerous to ordinary homeowners, exposing them to infested air that can induce or trigger breathing problems. To preserve air quality in your home, it’s better to leave old insulation removal to the professionals. They will know how to take down weathered materials in a way that does minimal harm to the atmosphere.

2. There’s a High Possibility of Contracting an Illness

Whether it be through inhalation or physical touch, there’s an incredibly high chance of insulation removal being the main cause of illness. Deteriorating fiberglass and asbestos can infiltrate your lungs, skin, and orifices. Before you know it, you’re coughing and sneezing uncontrollably and having to visit the doctor on multiple occasions. This is because there’s a good chance that illnesses contracted from harmful substances like outdated insulation can lead to chronic symptoms that are hard to recover from. When you think of the risks associated with DIY insulation removal, it’s easy to see that it’s not worth it to save a few bucks by tackling it yourself.

Learn more > 6 Warning Signs Your Old Insulation Could Be Making You Sick

3. You Could Accidentally Agitate Pests In Hiding

Even if you manage to sidestep the health risks associated with DIY insulation removal, there are other problems that can arise that you may not be fully prepared for. One of these problems has to do with agitating any pests that may have been living in your old insulation. When you expose infested areas in an attempt to avoid hiring experts, you will need to hire pest control services anyway which can get expensive depending on the type of rodents or bugs you’re dealing with and the scope of their infestation.

4. It’s Easy to Overlook Things When Cleaning Up

You could be careful in your insulation removal but overlook pieces here and there that can grow into a bigger hazard over time. Many people underestimate how thorough you need to be in the cleanup process, and are ignorant of this step’s utmost importance in the entirety of the job at hand. Another common mistake in the cleanup stage is improper disposal of the old insulation material. If you don’t take the necessary measures to dispose of it the right way, you could be endangering the environment and anyone nearby. Insulation professionals will know how to pack up the old material and where to take it for safe removal.

What Professionals Do Differently

When you hire a professional team to handle your insulation removal, you have access to valuable expertise and powerful tools designed just for the job. For example, Foam Bear uses a 23-horsepower high-powered vacuum to ensure safe and fast removal for your convenience! We also abide by all safety measures and procedures for your peace of mind before re-entering the home.

Trust Foam Bear For Old Insulation Removal Near You!

Need old insulation removed? Leave it to the experts at Foam Bear Tampa! We have everything you need for quick, safe, and thorough insulation removal services near you. Call us today at (727) 580-1090 for a free estimate on our vacuum and removal services.