
What Are The Best Types Of Attic Insulation For A Florida Home During Summer?

Summer is truly a special time for Floridians. There’s a lot of fun to be had, but there are just as many challenges to face, especially as a homeowner. If you feel like your little sanctuary could be doing better, we have a suggestion that could help you save cash and stay cool. Your trusted team of insulation experts at Foam Bear Orlando has the lowdown on which types of attic insulation are best for your Florida home during the summer!

Why Your Florida Attic Begs for Special Attention

Florida residents don’t think about the heat much because they’ve accepted it as their reality, but the sunshine state is nothing like the rest of the country. Our home carries a unique climate, and with it, more obstacles to maintaining a happy and comfortable home. Our summers last much, much longer, and our air is cluttered with high humidity. Not just any insulation will do, but we’re here to help with curated recommendations. But first, we need to talk about your attic.

Your attic needs to be insulated. Even if you never set foot in that space, your attic is directly connected to the rest of your home. It’s also the closest room to the sun if you think about it. When heat enters your attic, that heat is then transferred to the parts of your home where you can feel it taking a toll on your comfort.

What to Look for In New Insulation:

When upgrading your attic’s insulation, you’ll need to keep some extra qualities in mind. Yes, it should have high thermal resistance, but the Florida climate demands more. You should also consider the following when choosing your next insulation:

  • Air quality
  • Moisture resistance
  • Noise reduction
  • Pest proof

Imagine a perfect day secluded in your lovely home. Is it quiet and peaceful, or can you hear your neighbors outside? Are your rooms clean, or are there bugs skittering about? Think about what you don’t want, like mold, mildew, dust, and pollen. A common priority amongst homeowners is cooling and energy efficiency which is another thing to consider.

Learn more > How Does Insulation Affect My Home’s Cooling System?

Taking the time to think of every possible factor that can play into your quality of life can help you choose the best type of attic insulation for your Florida home.

Going Over Your Options (And How to Choose Smartly)

Insulation may work similarly among other states, but that’s not the case with Florida. Here, each type of material reacts differently to various factors like heat, moisture, UV rays, and so on. Take a look at these common attic insulation materials and which one is best for Florida homes:

  • Fiberglass: This common attic insulation has absolutely zero air-sealing capabilities, meaning that your home will be exposed to heat, moisture, bugs, allergens, and more.
  • Cellulose: This material tends to settle pretty quickly over time, taking away any of the useful benefits it once offered and presenting you with the need for a replacement.
  • Spray foam: The components in spray foam allow it to expand for air-sealing, addressing all of the summer-related obstacles we mentioned earlier and more. Plus, it can last 80-100 years without replacements or maintenance, making it the best choice for attic insulation and comfortable summers in Florida.

Did you know that spray foam insulation qualifies for insulation tax incentives in Florida?

Summer-Proof Your Florida Attic With Spray Foam Insulation!

Call Foam Bear Orlando today at (727) 580-1090 and we’ll make sure your Florida home is ready for summer! We offer high-quality spray foam for the best attic insulation near you. Ask us for a free estimate and financing options!