
8 Common Illnesses That Can Come From Poor Indoor Air Quality & How We Can Help

Have you ever retraced your steps to figure out how you got sick, just to come out of your investigation completely empty-handed? That’s probably because you never considered your insulation to be part of the problem. Your trusted insulation experts at Foam Bear Tampa will be showing you all of the most common illnesses that can come from poor indoor air quality and what we can do to help!

What Causes Illnesses From Poor Air Quality?

Illnesses don’t only come from direct exposure to obvious sources, like being caught in someone else’s sneeze or handling something covered in bacteria. Air quality has a lot to do with what goes into your body which can trigger your immune system. Common airborne triggers include:

  • Dust particles
  • Mold spores
  • Pet dander
  • Loose asbestos

Most (if not all) of these components can be avoided with proper insulation.

Learn more > What Are the Top Risks of Improper Insulation In My Home?

Signs to Look Out For:

Symptoms can be difficult to self-diagnose. Coughing can indicate anything from allergies to the flu, and the only way to get to the bottom of it is to pay close attention to your environment. Next time you start showing signs of illness, be on the lookout for these signs around the house:

  • Zero to minimal airflow
  • Stale air quality
  • Increased humidity
  • Strange smells
  • Improved health while outside
  • Wet patches on the floor, walls, and ceiling
  • Increased symptoms after rearranging furniture or remodeling

Pinpointing the exact cause can feel like a science experiment, but neglecting to solve the problem can lead to a wide range of possible illnesses:

1. Asthma

Poor air quality can feel like a death sentence for those who already struggle with asthma. If you don’t already have asthma, this could be your path to developing this chronic illness.

2. Irritated Sinuses and Airways

Allergy symptoms from poor air quality can exacerbate severe sinus irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat. These symptoms can last for as long as you continue to live in a home with infested air.

3. Pneumonia

Dealing with a simple allergic reaction may be the least of your worries. If the air you take in happens to have bacteria or other harmful substances, it can evolve into pneumonia, a deadly lung infection.

4. Pain and Exhaustion

Ignoring poor air quality can become a painful endeavor for those with a weakened immune system. This pain is often followed by headaches, dizzy spells, and severe fatigue or exhaustion.

5. Lung Cancer

One of the biggest concerns regarding your well-being is lung cancer. By frequently exposing yourself to poor air quality, you put yourself at risk of developing this debilitating illness.

6. Cardiovascular Disease

When the air you breathe is polluted, it can restrict your blood vessels and form clots, making it harder to receive proper blood flow. This can result in heart disease.

7. Disruption to Cognitive Function

Being deprived of clean air can also disrupt your brain’s functionality. These disruptions can get in the way of your most basic cognitive functions like moving, talking, and so on.

8. Chronic Illnesses

Other chronic illnesses that can stem from poor air quality include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, and more. With so many risks at stake, it’s better to preserve your health by upgrading your insulation to curate better air quality.

Need Better Air Quality? Let Foam Bear Tampa Upgrade Your Insulation!

You don’t have to put up with polluted air any more thanks to advances in insulation. Spray foam provides better indoor air quality with its ability to expand and repel allergens. For top-quality spray foam insulation near you, call Foam Bear Tampa today at (727) 580-1090 for a free quote!