
5 Reasons You Should Insulate Your Home in the Fall

There is no bad time to install new insulation for your home, but there are many benefits to getting it done in the fall. But what makes autumn weather different from any other time when it comes to home improvement? The experts at Foam Bear Orlando will show you all the reasons why you should insulate your home in the fall.

1. A Warmer and Cozier Home

When most people think of home insulation, their first thought is comfort from hot weather during the summer. However, a refuge from the freezing cold during the winter months is also a very valid reason for making sure your home insulation is up to date with quality material. By having your new insulation put in during the fall, you’ll be ready to go when colder temperatures hit in the months coming soon.

2. The Savings Stack Up

Saving on your electric bill isn’t just something that happens by regulating your air conditioner usage in the summer. By keeping warm air in and cold air out, you’ll also be limiting the number of times that your HVAC kicks on during the winter which can lead to year-round savings. You’ll need the best insulator for the most optimal effects, in which case spray foam offers the highest R-value for better temperature retention.

3. Keep Your House Dry

Did you know that moisture gets carried in chilly air? When that cold air enters your home, so does moisture which can make the inside of your home feel both cold and wet. To maintain the cozy warm and dry environment inside your home, seal off any possible air leaks with top-quality insulation.

4. Protection Through Better Air Quality

Fall and winter is prime time for colds and cases of flu to spread. This commonly happens through poor air quality which leads to exposure to pollen and bacteria just by breathing. Make your home a safe environment by blocking off outside air which could pose a threat to your lungs and well-being. Spray foam insulation does an excellent job of providing a tight enough seal to keep these particles at bay.

5. Dampen Loud Noises from Outside

With the time for countless celebrations just around the corner, you can expect loud gatherings all around the neighborhood as everyone invites their friends and family over for a fun time. You can let your neighbors have fun while enjoying peace and quiet with sound-dampening spray foam insulation.

Let Foam Bear Orlando Prepare You for Winter!

By getting a head start with spray foam installation during the fall, you’ll be good to go by wintertime when the cold weather becomes too much to bear. You can expect the best spray foam with expert installation by contacting Foam Bear Orlando at (727) 580-1090! We’ll start you off with a free estimate and give you personalized recommendations for the best setup depending on your home. We offer both closed-cell and open-cell spray foam to ensure the best all-around seal and insulation experience in all of Florida.