
Spray Foam vs. Fiberglass Insulation

Households have been using traditional fiberglass insulation for decades, until now. Spray foam insulation has become increasingly popular as more people make the switch. But which one is better? The experts at Foam Bear Tampa are here to show you the difference between spray foam and fiberglass insulation.

What Is Fiberglass Insulation?

Chances are, nearly every home you’ve been in (including your home as of now) was built with fiberglass insulation. Fiberglass can come in precut sheets or rolls that you can cut yourself. It’s typically made from a mixture of plastic and glass designed to absorb air and heat to keep a more consistent temperature within the house.

What Is Spray Foam Insulation?

Rather than coming in sheets, spray foam can be molded into any shape and crevice and expands to fill the gaps. The two kinds of spray foam insulation are classified as closed-cell and open-cell:

  • Closed-cell foam is used for both interior and exterior purposes due to its density which prevents air and moisture from passing through.
  • Open-cell foam is mostly used for indoor application because it’s much more expansive which is great for soundproofing and covering hard-to-reach places.

Which One Is Better?

Now that you know how each type of insulation works, which one is actually better? First, you should ask yourself why you need insulation in the first place. If your insulation isn’t effective as an insulator, then you may as well have nothing protecting your home.

Seal Quality

Since it can be squeezed into areas where it’s needed, spray foam tends to provide a better seal than fiberglass. The paper-like nature of fiberglass makes it difficult to cut into the exact shape you need in order to get a complete seal.


Different types of insulation come at varying costs, but you should also factor in the amount of your energy bill. Fiberglass is pretty common because they’re typically cheaper, but the lack of an effective seal could cause your air conditioner to work harder than it needs to. Spray foam, on the other hand, allows your HVAC to operate how it should, thus saving you a lot on your electric bill.

Water Resistance

Your insulation should protect your home against all the elements, including water. Spray foam insulation handles water well, but fiberglass insulation can crack apart if it becomes too moist. When that happens, you may have to replace it altogether. This is especially troublesome in places like Florida where there are frequent storms accompanied by intense rain.


As mentioned earlier, fiberglass can be cheaper in the moment, but it could actually end up costing you more in the long run. Fiberglass insulation needs to be replaced every 15-20 years or sooner depending on the possible issues that it can run into. Alternatively, spray foam insulation can last 80-100 years which is a literal lifetime of protection.

Make the Change to Spray Foam Insulation Today!

If you’re ready to switch over to spray foam insulation so you can stop worrying about your home’s integrity, call Foam Bear Tampa today to hear our pricing and schedule an appointment. Our experts will install your spray foam insulation with skill and precision so that it can last a lifetime with little to no maintenance required!